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Gluten is the name given to a mixture of two types of proteins called
gliadin and
These proteins are found in the endosperm of cereal grains such as wheat, barley and rye.

Gluten affects the elastic texture of the dough in bread and other baked products. Due to the "stickiness" of gluten, it holds certain types of 
food together. This helps shape the food. 

Consuming gluten can cause damage to the 
small intestine of people suffering from celiac disease.

See also
types of grains
gluten-free products (click on / touch the photo below to see a wide variety of gluten-free products available at )

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click on / touch the photo to see a wide variety of gluten-free products

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Gluten merupakan nama yang diberikan kepada campuran dua protein (gliadin and glutelin) yang terdapat dalam endosperma bijirin seperti gandum, barli dan rai. Gluten mempengaruhi kekenyal tekstur doh dalam roti dan hasil/produk bakaran oven lain. Kelekitan gluten bertanggungjawab memberikan sesetengah makanan bentuk mereka. 

Pengambilan gluten oleh pesakit seliak boleh merosakkan 
usus kecil mereka.

Lihat juga
jenis-jenis bijirin
produk makanan tanpa gluten (klik pada / sentuh gambar foto di bawah untuk melihat pelbagai jenis produk tanpa gluten di

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