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Weight 重量

Weight 重量 is a derived quantity. It is a force due to the pull (attraction) of gravity.
The weight of an object is the gravitational 
force exerted on (acted on) the object.
Therefore, even though the mass of an object is the same on Earth as it is on the moon, its weight is different because the pull of gravity on 
Earth is greater than that on the moon.

Symbol W
W= mg
m = mass
g = acceleration due to gravity
Unit Newton (N)
base unit kgms-2
Measuring apparatus spring balance
compression balance

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Berat merupakan kuantiti terbitan. Berat ialah daya yang disebabkan oleh tarikan graviti.
Berat sesuatu objek merupakan 
daya tarikan graviti yang bertindak ke atas objek tersebut.
Dengan demikian, walaupun 
jisim sesuatu objek sama di Bumi dan di bulan, beratnya berbeza. Berat objek lebih tinggi di Bumi berbanding dengan berat objek di bulan.
simbol W
W = mg
di mana
m = jisim
g = pecutan kerana graviti
unit Newton (N)
unit asas kgms-2
alat mengukur neraca spring
neraca mampatan