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Gobekli Tepe

Gobekli Tepe is considered to be the oldest monumental architecture on Earth 地 球 dì qiú. It has been dated back to the Neolithic period 新石器时代 xīn shí qì shí dài (about 10,000 BCE). These carved limestone 灰 岩 huī yán structures predate the Stonehenge by about 6000 years. The tallest is about 4.8 meters. Gobekli Tepe is thought to be a place for social gathering or a place of worship.

Gobekli Tepe is located about 4 km away from Sanliurfa in Turkey.

Read also

Banpo Musuem in Xian, China
Neolithic Revolution
Paleolithic Age

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Gobekli Tepe

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