are foodstuff and other supplies for household consumption or use.
Examples of groceries are food,
fruits and vegetables. A grocer is the person who sells groceries. A
grocery shopper, on the other hand, is the person who buys
groceries. A grocery shopper would buy for the family and / or for himself or herself. There are also "health-conscious shoppers" who would select grocers and
groceries they believe would help them improve and maintain their
healthy lifestyle and well-being. There is also a group of shoppers
who look for new and different items in their groceries. Such shoppers believe that "variety is
the spice of life".
Barang-barang runcit merupakan
barang-barang makanan dan barang-barang keperluan harian lain.
Contoh-contoh barang runcit ialah makanan, buah-buahan
dan sayur-sayuran. Orang yang menjual barang-barang runcit dipanggil
pekedai runcit. Pembeli barang-barang runcit mungkin membeli untuk
keluaraga dan / atau dirinya sendiri. Ada yang mengutamakan
kesihatan dan memilih barang-barang yang dapat membantu meningkatkan
kesihatan dan gaya hidup mereka. Terdapat juga sekumpulan pembeli
yang mementingkan barang-barang baru dan berbeza.