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My Jasmine Mò Li Huā 茉莉花
knol2go knol
My Jasmine Mò Li Huā 茉 莉花 turns her back on me. Her blossoms do not face my living room where I sit. Instead, they turn to the trees outside; and everyday, a couple of birds would visit and imbibe the nectar of her flowers. The birds get their energy drink and, in return, my Jasmine Mò Li Huā 茉 莉花 courts her pollinators. I become the bystander who observes. And reflects:

The beauty of my Jasmine
Mò Li Huā 茉莉花 serves the purpose of having her gametes (sex cells) fuse together and, in the grander picture of life, ensuring her species continue to thrive.

It's a presumptuous observer who thinks the world's created for him alone.

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